I make games that have janky broken physics systems, and are designed to frustrate and bedevil you. Don't say you weren't warned.
If you're reading this, you could also be playing my games. No, seriously. Why are you reading this when you could be playing my games? I've written a plurality of games, and I really think your time would be better spent playing them than reading this. You can see my full list of stuff at the bottom of this page, unless something bad happened again, in which case it is definitely not my fault and completely the fault of my very real intern who definitely exists.
Both Swordfighting and Physics are really really good and you should play them. The Physics sequel is out now! It's pretty hard, would not recommend. Rigid and Kinematic is a game for masochists. If you're into arcade games, play Asteroids. If you like to do it yourself (or enjoy a good dumb meme), play The DIYGame. We do not talk about Spiders here. GameGame is, well, uh, maybe don't play it. In fact, definitely don't. The games at the bottom are roughly ordered from highest to lowest quality with the newest right at the top, so if you don't know where to start the top is best.
If I have enriched your life, you can send me money through kofi! Or even Mastodon: @Cahatstrophe@isometry.group! Or just visit my website!
About me:
I'm Cahatstrophe Games (they/them, trans), or Hat for short. This is because I am both a catastrophe, and also a hat. I am maybe probably some form of mythological creature, and you should treat me with the appropriate amount of reverence and awe. I'm into physics, math, weird things, and glitches. On an average day, you can find me trying to break this universe's physics engine. Or sleeping. I also do a lot of sleeping.
I guess you can contact me at cahatstrophe@gmail.com if you need me for anything, if you want to send me cat pics, or if you just want to flatter me. Actually that last one sounds pretty good. No, seriously. I demand praise. Praise me! PRAISE ME!
haha jk jk XD